Want a Do-Over? It’s time to RESET!

Ever want a do-over?  I can think of many instances in my life where a do-over would have been welcomed.  I’m sure you can think of a few on your own too.  Some are funny now.  Some will never be funny.  Some were just extremely painful ……and costly....

Ho! Ho! Ho! Humbug

Ho! Ho! Ho! Ever feel not so merry at Christmas time?  Christmas can be a challenge for many.  The cards and movies all seem to point toward happy endings – restored families, perfect relationships, healed family members, the overflowing gifts around a tree....

Somebody Testify

Last Saturday during our One Thing Prayer we testified.  We celebrated how we are seeing God in our lives. We paused to just say “THANKS, GOD!”   What a time of encouragement as we celebrated what God is doing in our midst.  We had people share online what...
May the Fire on the Altar Never Burn Out

May the Fire on the Altar Never Burn Out

“A Fire shall Always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.”  Leviticus 6:13 I LOVE a good fire. My favorite feature of my home is my fireplace.  I enjoy sitting in front of the fire with a great book and cup of cocoa.  Awww….love the warmth...

Expecting Great Things

What a blessing to have Pastor Kyle & Alisa Felke at my church, City Point, last Sunday!  Pastor Kyle serves at Bethel Valparaiso.  He came to encourage our congregation.  That’s a great commission?!?!?!!  He sowed seeds of encouragement.  He was generous in...