Want a Do-Over? It’s time to RESET!

Written by Julie Fickess

December 28, 2017

Ever want a do-over?  I can think of many instances in my life where a do-over would have been welcomed.  I’m sure you can think of a few on your own too.  Some are funny now.  Some will never be funny.  Some were just extremely painful ……and costly.

God is giving us a RESET. A chance to be recalibrated as we head into 2018.  It is a time to stop, to evaluate, and to hear His voice.  We can’t keep doing what we’ve always done and expect different results.  It is time to set aside our agenda and replace it with God’s.  It is time to lay down everything before Him and pick up HIs purposes and plans for our church, our lives, our homes, our ministries.

This week we have been praying from the book of Colossians.  If you have never read it, grab your Bible and in 20 minutes you can read the whole book.  It is amazing – filled with prayers and practical instructions for our daily life.  Throughout the book you will see Christ – our hope of glory!

Our prayer for you today is from Colossians 1:9-10 “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God…”

We all need to know the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  God has told us in James 1 if we lack wisdom we can ask Him for it and He will give it!  What a great promise!  It is time to seek Him.  Wise men still seek Him (that is not just for Christmastime anymore!).

Let’s seek the Lord together.  Sunday, December 31st at 6pm we will kick off our New Year’s Reset at City Point Church.  Pastor Mike will release a word God has given our church for the New Year.  January 2-22 we are seeking God for a RESET!  Commit to seeking the Lord for these 21 day.  We will meet each morning for prayer. You can also visit this blog, adventuresinhopeblog.wordpress.com, for daily devotions for this RESET.

Lord,  change me!  I don’t want to be the same in 2018.  I don’t want to do it my own way – I want Your will.  I want Your way. I welcome Your RESET in my life.  Fill me with the knowledge of Your will that I might bear fruit and grow in my knowledge of You. I love You, Lord!

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