Opportunities in Crisis

Written by Julie Fickess

December 30, 2020

2020 was a Kairos time!

In Greek there are two words for time:  Chronos or Kairos.  Chronos is the “chronological” time.  Like flipping the months on the calendar, chronos time marches on. Day after day.  Month after month.  Time will move forward, moment by moment. 

Kairos times are much different.  Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines Kairos as:  “a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action the opportune and decisive moment.” What opportune and decisive times we are living in!!!!!  Our world is crying out for action in this crucial and critical time. 

This word “Kairos” is found in Galatians 6:9,10.  “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season (Kairos) we shall reap, if we faint not.  As we have therefore opportunity (Kairos), let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”  Due season and opportunity are both Kairos times!  2020 abounded with opportunities to do good – all the while battling fainting in the battle.  Don’t give up friend!  You are on the verge of a miracle!

In Chinese, the word for crisis is created from the characters for the words danger and opportunity.  As we look at 2020, what most saw as a crisis of danger, we can see as a divine opportunity!  Never were so many of our lives turned on edge.  Nothing remained the same.  Nothing could remain the same.  Ministry opportunities were limitless.  This was a time of great risks and great opportunities!  While there were many things that could be deemed as destruction, the opportunities for rebuilding and growth were endless. 

As 2020 was beginning the Lord gave me a word that He was going to be releasing miracles through the hands of the church.  Over and over, I would be reminded of this word.  I saw this come to life personally in March, May, July, September, October, and December.  Throughout 2020, I witnessed God doing the impossible.  This year was filled with faith. And faith is often spelled R-I-S-K.  I’m grateful for the friends and family who cheered me on along the way. 

As I stepped into January 2020, I was struggling with transitions in every aspect of my life.  I started the year with a dream that had to die.  That desire was not God’s best for me.  I had pursued it to the end and the door closed.  The loss led to great grief and confusion.  I didn’t know what I would do.  All of my future now seemed so unsure.  I was struggling with working multiple jobs and exhaustion.  I was depleted in every way. I didn’t even know where I would live.   I did not know what I wanted for my future except I knew it couldn’t stay the same.  It was time for change!  I don’t like change.  I was in a crisis that truly would be the greatest opportunity of my life!

In January, I was able to go to Kenya.  I had dreamed of going to Africa since I was in middle school.  The dream turned into a reality for 10 days!  This was God’s perfect timing for a week away!  I met incredible people!  I witnessed miracles in marketplaces.  I had hope reborn in my heart for houses of prayer being raised up around the world. And I was even kissed by a giraffe and saw baby elephants. 

In February, I was able to purchase a condo.  The peace that I felt when I entered my condo was unreal!  I have loved seeing the ducks and geese on the pond.  I have enjoyed just being home and watching the water.  It has brought so much rest and peace to my life. 

In March, I lost my fulltime job due to COVID layoffs.  What was supposed to be two weeks, has turned into 9 months and counting. Yet in the midst of it all, God spoke a word that gave me faith to risk all and pursue the dream He placed in my heart 20 years ago.  The personal dream had to die for the God dream to come alive. 

In May, on a whisper and a whim, I scheduled a week-long prayer retreat in Moravian Falls, North Carolina.  WOW!!! What a time!  I encountered God in a fresh way and knew the love of my Bridegroom King.  I knew that I was coming back to start a prayer movement that will impact the nation.

On July 2, that dream became a reality with the incorporation of Hope Ministries International.  I took a leap of faith to leave my career as a paralegal and become a prayer missionary.  And GOD has met me!  He provided a promise that day that He would fulfill every promise He had ever spoken.  As the weeks and months have unfolded, I have watched Him provide in miraculous ways.  He has surrounded me with faithful intercessors and partners to walk with in the journey of birthing HOPE around the world.

I had committed my life to fulltime Christian service or missions on December 31, 1987.  October 19, 2020 was the day the call from 33 years before became the commission and the career. I ended my unemployment and entered ministry fulltime.  No turning back! 

In November & December I was able to travel and preach.  I’m so grateful for the amazing folks I was able to meet and those that I could reconnect with on these trips.  I look forward to what lies ahead.  God has good plans for us – He gives us a future and a hope!

Each weekday I now have the opportunity to pray with an amazing group of friends.  This “Daily HOPE” is going out and touching people around the globe.  Each day about 250 people tune in to receive some Daily Hope. 

God has continually blown my mind as I’ve watched Him perform miracles in the lives of those around me.  I’ve watched others step into their destiny in 2020.  I’ve seen many recover from COVID.   I’ve witnessed restoration of relationships.  I’ve seen crazy answers to prayer!  I’ve seen God save and redeem lives.  I’ve heard His voice.  I’ve seen His glory.

As this year comes to an end, would you take a minute and evaluate your year.  You might have been looking at 2020 as just a crisis, but could there be opportunities God has provided for you? 

Have you had more time with your family? 

Have you seen God answer a prayer? 

Have you pursued a new direction this year? 

Have you seen the goodness of God?

Have you experienced God in a new way?

Praying that your crisis of 2020 become opportunities in 2021 for His light to shine and hope to be reborn in and through you.

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