Are You A Martha Intercessor?

Written by Julie Fickess

December 10, 2018

Tonight I had the great joy of spending an hour talking and praying with my friend, Sheila Straka. Sheila has been sounding the alarm to pray over the Fox River Valley for the last three decades. She is an incredible woman of God who is serious about her time with the Lord.

She shared an article she wrote a while back. It so resonates with my heart today.

We can get so busy organizing prayer and calling others to pray that we miss the Person we pursued. We set aside His presence for our agenda. We get so consumed in ministry for the Lord that we miss ministry to the Lord.

I pray her article speaks to you and leads you back to the feet of Jesus.

Intercessor to Intercessor

A Long Journey Home

Concerning Martha intercessors

By Sheila Straka

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:38 -42 

From the New International Version

In all the clamor of this present “movement of prayer, there has been cited a way in which intercessors can fall from their original posture of prayer as a Mary at Jesus feet to becoming a “Martha Intercessor!”

In the beginning the child of God is called by God to sit at his feet to listen, to adore, to wait with her/his Savior, Redeemer and King. She eagerly embraces each day as another opportunity to draw close to Him. She is constantly watching for another glimpse of her lover and her friend. Loneliness is never contemplated. Life with Him is full and never fabricated.

 He takes her with him to the mountain tops, through verdant pastures, in streams of flowing water. He shares His innermost desires with her. He unveils His light and she stands in awe of His Beauty, His Glory!

She is commanded by Him to guard her heart for it is the well spring of life. His life is flowing to her and through her. The Ancient of Days, The Son of His Love, who willingly embraces her and carries her with him wherever He is and wherever He is going. Suddenly without even noticing a heart shift occurs. 

In this hour there are so many distractions. There are resources, books, guides, and patterns of prayer. All are good and helpful, produced and encouraged with the best intent.

There are Apostles of Prayer, Prophetic Intercessors of Prayer, Pastors of Prayer, Teachers of Prayer, Facilitators of Prayer, Administrators of Prayer. 

Then there is evangelism prayer, prayer walks, prayer talks through prayer conferences, prayer gatherings and there are prayer summits. Then we have so many web pages, prayer chains, prayer teams and prayer watches. Surely the intercessors are being equipped for service.

Wait! Jesus commands us, ”watch with me!”

Are you still the Mary at His feet.? Are you still looking forward to each new opportunity to be with Him? Are you still running with Him through the verdant pastures, resting and being refreshed in His streams of Living Water?

Or has Mary shifted to Martha? Are you busy with prayer. Have you been distracted and find yourself worried about many things?

Listen, hear the sound of His voice, ”Return to me! Do the things you did at first. Remember the better part. Return to me!”

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