Summer Snow

Written by Julie Fickess

February 5, 2018

We are in the midst of winter.  Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow.  Six more weeks of winter.  With that proclamation, the skies have opened and it has  begun to snow, snow, and more snow.  Even as I type, tiny flakes are falling from the sky.  Soon the sound of snowblowers will fill the airways.

I always love to look out and see the undisturbed snow.  It is so pretty.  So fresh.  So clean.  So bright.  Beautiful, sparkling white!

Psalm 51:7 “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.”

However, after only a day,   the fresh beauty fades to gray.  The snow angels are smudges in the ground.  The plows have pushed the snow out of the way to make room for the busyness of life once again.

Our spiritual walk can be like the snow.  We love it so much when it is fresh, new, beautiful.  Yet we quickly come and push it all off to the side so we can get on with the  regularly scheduled programming of our life and church , as usual.

This week we will mark Day 200 of seeking The One Thing – of pursuing the Presence and Person of God.  This morning was like one of those fresh, gentle beautiful snows.  The Holy Spirit just settled in as we honored Him and His presence.  I thought I was just going to a normal prayer meeting, much like I have done for 197 days, but then God came. It was an unexpected, surprisingly peaceful presence.

When I was in high school a friend introduced me to the music of Keith Green.  He was a prophet to his generation. God raised him quickly to a national platform. His entire ministry was only six years before his untimely death in an airplane accident.  He spoke God’s messages through song.  He wrote a song about being surprised by Jesus’ presence called,  Summer Snow.

“Unexpectedly, You came back to see if I was waiting like I promised long before.  Your shadow filled the room, the music changed its tune.  When I saw You, You were standing at the door.   Like Summer Snow, You were an unexpected sight.  No blazing sun, You were shining in the night! The winter should have known that You’d be coming home, home…”


Oh, I want to be found watching and waiting.  “When the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Days like today are just a foretaste of what will happen when He comes for His bride.  Will we be found in the place of expectancy, waiting and watching for Him?  Will we be longing for His return?  Will we hear His gentle knock on the door of our hearts?

Thank You, Lord, for visiting us today.  I’m amazed at how You choose to come and dwell with us.  I love Your presence!  I love being with You.  There is no place I would rather be.  I long to dwell in Your presence, in Your house, and inquire in Your temple.  Thank You for the unexpected meeting today.  I’ll be waiting……

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