Get Over It! RESET Day 17

Written by Julie Fickess

January 18, 2018


You have an amazing inheritance in Jesus!  Do you know it?  Can you sense it?  You are a child of the King – a son or a daughter of the Most High God!  There isn’t anything He wouldn’t do for you.  Jesus sacrificed His life for you!  He LOVES you so much!

Oh, to grasp how deep, how wide, how vast is His love for us!  And NOTHING can separate us from His love.  “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:37-39

I want to fully walk in that understanding of His love.  A love so great that there is no place for fear.  I can risk it all knowing that Love Himself has got me, safe and secure in His hands.

I’ve heard the question, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”  Have you ever thought about that?  Is there something you would love to do for God, with God, but you hesitate out of the risk of failure?

We are being challenged to climb the mountain and blaze a new path.  Not on our own, but with God – it’s our inheritance.   It is time to be done with just circling the mountains in our lives.  It is time to get over it!

The Israelites wandered in the desert 40 years – around and around that mountain.  Instead of climbing over the mountain, they just kept circling around it. They kept traveling over the same land – over and over again. The cloud would stop.  The people would stop. It was like a lifetime of musical chairs.

Moses was called up higher.  He went to the summit.  He met with God.  He heard His voice.  He received instructions.  He saw the Promise a far off.  He knew where God was taking them.  But in the valley the people just kept circling aimlessly.  “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18

It is time to climb the mountain of the Lord again and reach the summit. The summit is the highest point of a hill or mountain.  It is a place with a view.  It is the place of vision.  We need to see from God’s perspective.  We need to get a higher view, a broader view – God’s view of our situation.

The mountaintop is exhilarating! It is breathtaking!  Awe inspiring.  Yet we can’t live forever up on the mountaintop. Did you ever notice that most plants can’t grow on the mountaintop?  New growth cannot be sustained in that atmosphere.   At some point, we must take the vision we received on the summit and go down to the valley to do what God has shown us.

It is hard to leave the summit to venture down into the valley.  Yet God in His grace has made valleys places of rich mineral deposits.  The valleys are the fertile soil where what was planted in us on the mountaintop can take root in the soil of our hearts and grow. Everything we need to sustain life is there – water, food, sunlight and shade.

Once God’s vision takes root, we are ready to pioneer our new path. It is time to blaze some new trails!  It is time to run with the vision.  Others are waiting to come along on the path we will clear.  We are going before, making straight the way of the Lord.

To clear a path is hard work! Removing brush and debris is tough, backbreaking work.  It can be discouraging, painful and lonely.  Often times you will work alone.  You have the vision from the mountaintop, but others cannot see it yet.  You have seen where the path will lead.  Others only see the way as far as you have made clear for them.

Don’t give up!  Keep pressing on!  Others behind you will need that road.  You are clearing that faith lane that is all your own.  God will meet you.  He is the Master Builder.  You cannot fail when you follow His blueprints.  He never leaves you alone!  You can do it, Pioneer!


Prayer for Today:  Give me clean hands and a pure heart that I may climb the mountain of the Lord and see from Your perspective.  Grant me fresh vision and the will to see it come to pass.  I pray for strength of body, mind and heart to pioneer the path You have laid out before me.  May I not give up, but press on until the path is prepared.  Thank You, Lord, for this opportunity.  Grant me the faith to finish it! In Jesus name.

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