Let It Go to Get A Hold of God RESET Day 13

Written by Julie Fickess

January 14, 2018



“The Key to Reset is Clear Endings lead to New Beginnings”  Pastor Mike Hendon

As we begin the last full week of our reset it is time to really press in.  It is time to get real.  So I think I will get real with you all today, too.

December 31, 2017, I woke up and knew I had to take a bold action.  I had been thinking about something for a few days.  I didn’t want to do it, but I knew I needed to. I needed to let someone go.

I had a former boyfriend who was a friend on Facebook. The relationship ended as friends years ago.   Yet at various times (more often than I would like to admit)  I would go view his profile, see what he was doing now, and visit the past in my mind. Each time I would do this I would take the past, which was over and gone, and reinsert it into my present life.  Now, I LOVE what God is doing in my life.  I have amazing opportunities ahead of me.  Yet, when I would view his profile, it made me very discontent in my life.  I was envious of his new life.  I would question decisions I made years ago. The could of, should of, would of’s all came flooding in.  It led me to wonder all the “what if’s”, instead of worshiping the One who led us both very clearly in different directions.

That Sunday morning I made a decision to let it go entirely.  No turning back….no turning back.   I went to my computer and unfriended the man.  I picked up my cell phone and deleted his contact information.  I broke my tie to that person.  He represented my past.  He was not my future.  I needed to let go of the old to be able to grab hold of and embrace all that God has for me.

When I got to church that morning, I was blown away!   Pastor Mike preached about the need for clear endings and new beginnings.  Often times we want to hang on to the old. We drag it forward. One hand behind; one hand ahead.  We are weighed down.  Pulled in all directions.  Our gaze and focus is divided each time we look back.   We are not free to embrace what God has for us in the present and future if we are always looking in the rear view mirror.  For a reset, we must have a clear ending before the new beginning can come.

‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! ‘ 2 Corinthians 5:17

The old is gone!  If we are new in Christ (which we are!!!!), then the old is GONE!    GONE!!!!!   We don’t need to drag it any longer. We need to say goodbye to the past.  Hello Future!

What areas,  people or things do you have in your life that you need to let go of?  Are their people that make you wonder and question God’s goodness in your life?  Are their people that represent destruction that you hold on to “just in case I ever need to contact them”?  Are their offenses in your life that you haven’t forgiven that you need to let go of?  Are their burdens that were never yours to bear that you picked up and have never set down?  Are their sins you need to break free of?

The choice is yours today.  Break the tie to it.  Cut the Chord.  Sever the relationship.  Destroy the items.  It is for freedom that you have been set free.  Why do you still walk in that bondage?  Because you choose to!  It is time to “LET IT GO!”

Let those things go so you can grab hold of God and all that He has for you.  Run into His freedom today! He knows the plans that He has for you.  Amazing plans!  Outrageously good things – beyond your wildest dreams.

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”  Psalm 37:4

It has been amazing this past week as we have focused on the goodness of our God.  If He is asking you to lay something down, don’t you think it is for your own good?  He wants to lead you to the future He has prepared before you.  It is amazing!!

It’s time to have some clear endings so the new beginnings can come forth.  You can’t straddle this fence forever.  Are you grabbing hold of God or grabbing hold of your past?  It is time to LET IT GO!  There is no better day than today to step into your glorious future!

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Prayer for Today:  God, give me the grace to “LET IT GO”.  I desire to lay down ____________.  I give it to You.  I desire to grab hold of You and all that You have for me today.  I willingly and joyfully surrender this to You.  I trust that You have good plans for me.  Lead me, hand in hand, to the glorious future You have for me.  I am free and ready to go, Lord!

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