Life in the Middle RESET Day 11

Written by Julie Fickess

January 12, 2018

adobe-spark-post-2The journey can seem long, but you’ve made it half way!!!  YEAH!!!  Day 11 of 21!  Let’s celebrate!  WOOT!  WOOT!

I’ve lived all my life in the middle.  I’m a middle child.  Not the first.  Not the baby.  Just the middle.  I live in middle of the country – smack dab in the MidWest.  I live the middle class life.  I have a middle class job.  Life in the middle is good.

I love the life God has given me.  It could be better.  But it could be so much worse.  Grateful for where I am.  Always believing for God’s better things!

It’s the same way with this reset.  We are smack-dab in the middle of it today.  Day 11.  I’m grateful for where we have come.  Yet, I’m believing for even better things to come.  The seeds of my glorious have already been sown.  I’m believing for a harvest!

In the middle of an journey it can be difficult.  “Do I want to keep going?  Is it worth it?”  You may even begin to wonder like a child, “Are we there yet? When will we arrive?”  We look at our GPS and count down the minutes til our estimated arrival time.

Unfortunately with God He is not on our timetable.  This is a relationship.  This isn’t just 21 days – it’s a lifetime.   Relationships weren’t meant to have an end – only a journey.  Moving from glory to glory to glory.

Keep plugging along.  Don’t give up. Keep on keeping on.  Don’t back down now.  PRESS IN!  It is time to seek the Lord.  More than ever, we need to seek God.  We need to cry out to Him for a reset in our minds, in our hearts, in our churches, in our communities, in our nation, in the earth.  We need to know HIM more.  We need more of Him.  We need to know His plans, His ways, His heart.

Prayer for Today:  Lord, on this middle day of our journey, I commit again to seeking You first.  I commit to come to You in prayer and in Your word seeking Your will and Your way for my life, my church, my city.  Help me to be faithful to the end.  I don’t want to turn aside.  I’m going forward with You.  I will reach my destination.  I will encounter the reset You have for me.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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