I got so excited yesterday talking about the Goodness of God. I just couldn’t stop there! He is SOOOOO good! ALWAYS!!!
We all want testimonies. But none of us wants the test that comes first. Right?!?!?! We want miracles, but we don’t really want to need one. There is a testing of your faith first. It is in those times we have to hold on to His goodness and His promises.
“This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion’, says my soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him!’ The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, the the soul who seeks Him.” Lamentations 3:21-25
During a trying season in 2006/2007 my family started what we called our Miracle Journal. Just a simple spiral notebook that I had bought at the beginning of the school year for $.10! Nothing fancy – but what has filled the pages has transformed our lives.
We were in a tough situation financially. Our household income was being cut to less than half of what it had been. We were pursuing God and we were stepping out in faith with lots of prayer and no safety net. God was our only hope! We didn’t want to focus on the lack or what wasn’t there. We didn’t want to live in the fear of how we were going to pay our bills each month. We knew this change in employment was God’s plan for us.
So we started the Miracle Journal. Any time we saw God provide we wrote it down. Encouraging words and prayers of faith were written down. Bills paid. Free school tuition and lunches. Free cups of coffee at restaurants. Birthday gifts for my kids at greatly reduced costs. Surprise checks in the mail. Each item went in the journal.
We had always tithed, so now was no time to stop. We continued to give a tithe of all income to God. We believed Malachi 3 and we were seeing Him faithful as we “tested Him in it.” As it progressed, we had written down when we were able to give above our tithe. We were so excited God truly provided seed to the sower! God provided ways for us to give to other struggling families. He paid off our medical bills and then we were able to help pay down medical bills for others. The blessings always multiplied. We could not out give God – His goodness was overtaking us!
Two Crazy Testimonies
First, we were needing to haul some middle school boys to a Bible study at 6am each Friday – God provided the transportation! We were given a van for $10. We had been told it probably wouldn’t last long, but we used that van for six years! What a blessing that was!
Second, we often helped other churches in our community. I love the greater body of Christ. One day I got a call from the pastor’s assistant at one of those churches we partnered with stating she had to come by and see me that day. She dropped off a check for $100 saying, “God told us to bring this to you today.” We had no idea why. A few hours later we had a storm that knocked out our power for three days. The $100 was enough to cover all our extra expenses during that outage. “Before you call I will answer you….”
It wasn’t easy living through this time. This season lasted about two years – we never knew how God would provide, but we knew He was good and He would. The Miracle Journal helped so much. When we would be in a challenging situation, I would pull it out and I would re-read what God had done in the past. If He did it then, He could do it again.
When faced with even greater struggles as a family in 2012, the first thing we did as a family was pull out the Miracle Journal. We logged how God was meeting us – emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually. Meals brought to the house. Gifts given. Free music lessons for my kids. There was so much food that God provided two freezers to be given to our family to house it all – and additional food was given away to other families in need. A new to me wardrobe for a new job. Health benefits. Grace & strength for every day. I even listed in the journal that one day God provided HOPE!
We truly did see God’s miraculous hand and I have so much more even now to add to the journal. Restored dreams. Grace to forgive. More medical bills paid. Joy and contentment. Children following the Lord. Healed heart. Every bill paid. Every need He met. Even another car! We have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness for these last five years. God is a good God. He longs to be gracious and delights in showing mercy.
Whatever situation may be facing you right now I encourage you to get a notebook and begin your own Miracle Journal. Write down all the ways you see the Goodness of God. Whatever your situation, God wants to show up in the midst of it! He has hope for you! Always believe the best for your future! His mercies are new EVERY morning for you!
As you write down your God-sightings, you will become more and more aware of His goodness that is surrounding you and upholding you. Your journal will become your memorial altar to the Lord. On days when you can’t see the answers and you wonder will you make it through the situation, just sit down, pull out the notebook, and recite the wonderful works of God.
It will change you. It will change your focus. God will illuminate what He is doing. You will see Him all around. You will know that His mercies are new every day and His faithfulness is so great. He truly is a good God.
Prayer for Today: You are Good! All the time! Lord, I commit to chronicling Your goodness. I will remember the works of my God. I will proclaim You are good! I trust You that you have good in store for me. No matter the trial, You are with us. You are our provision. We rest in Who You are! We look up above the situation and we see Your goodness and Your faithfulness oh God. You are good!