You Are the One Thing RESET Day 6

Written by Julie Fickess

January 7, 2018


On Sunday, July 23, Pastor Mike announced during his sermon that he was done with church as usual.  He was going after God.  We were not going to do church like we had in the past.  We would be a presence driven church.  We would be led by Spirit.  He was done doing it his own way.  For him, it was either God’s way or no way.  Anyone that wanted to join him could meet him at 6am the next day for prayer.

As he prepared for that first prayer gathering, God spoke to him Psalm 27:4: “One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek:  That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.” So on Monday, July 24, a small group of believers gathered at the church to pray.  He started with one scripture, one song, and one thought:  One Thing.


For 168 days we have been after the One Thing.  We have not stopped going after God.  And we have no plans to stop either.

What we’ve learned is that the one thing isn’t a thing at all.  It is a Person, Jesus Christ.  We are after Him.  He is the One we desire. He is the One we are going after.  If His presence doesn’t go before us, we aren’t going.  We are seeking to be with Him, to dwell with Him all the days of our lives.

You can chase a lot of things.  You can chase money.  You can chase careers.  You can chase cars.  You can chase people.  You can even chase gifts, ministries and callings.  But none of those things can ever satisfy the longing in your soul.  You were created for relationship with Jesus.  Even good things held too tightly can become an idol that must be laid down at His feet.

Repentance is simply agreeing with God about an issue.  If He calls it sin, I call it sin.  If He calls it an idol, I call it an idol.  We agree with God and  then we turn 180 degrees from it to walk in a new direction.  It is a change of mind and heart about an issue.  We surrender our ways to God’s ways.

We must repent of anything that we have put before the priority of Him.  He is our focus.  Not church.  Not ministry.  Not even our spouse or family.  Not our career.  He alone deserves our first priority.

If those other things were removed from your life, is He enough?  I pray you never have to experience that but it is a question you must wrestle with.  Is He your priority?  Is He your heart’s desire?  Is He enough?  Is your relationship with Him strong enough to sustain you?  Is He your stronghold?

“Whom have I in heaven but You?  And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:25,26

Prayer for Today:  Lord Jesus, I repent of any area, person or thing that I have put before You.  I specifically repent for ____________________ having priority in my life before you.  I agree with You and I choose to place You first and obey You.  Reset my relationship with you.  Reset my priorities to reflect our relationship.  Reset my daily schedules to give you my best, not my leftovers.  I love You, Lord.  You are my priority.  In Jesus Name, Amen!

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