Sons & Daughters of A Good Father

Written by Julie Fickess

October 21, 2017

Throughout this week we have heard a rumbling as we have prayed.  It has popped up more than once.  In conversations.  In prayer.  In Bible study.  We are no longer slaves.  We aren’t just servants.  We are Sons & Daughters.

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called the children of God….”  1 John  3:1

BEHOLD!!!!  What a way to start a verse.  BEHOLD!!!  BEHOLD!!!  It’s like the Author is making sure we are paying attention to what is about to come.

The Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines Behold as:
1:to perceive through sight or apprehension; see
2:to gaze upon; observe

What are we beholding?  What are we perceiving by apprehension?  What are we taking hold of for ourselves?  What are we to gaze upon?  The Manner of Love the Father has given to us!  WOW!!!

Sit back and behold His manner of love!  Let His love wash over you today. Follow link to the song Reckless Love of God – Bethel Worship

What do you see?  What do you perceive?  Feel the overwhelming love of your Father God!  You are not just a servant in the church.  You are a son and daughter of the King!  You are royalty.  You have all the rights of a son.  You have inherited the Kingdom.

He loves you so much.  He loves you with a fierce love.  He never lets you go.  He runs after you.  He comes after you.  He rescues you.  He saves you.  He heals you.  He holds you.

Let’s live every day as sons and daughters, fully loved by an amazing Father God.

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